Web Socket chat made with Ratchet and PHP, I made this as a proof of concept.
Enqlo LLC.
Engineer Of Electrical And Computer Engineering
Web Socket chat made with Ratchet and PHP, I made this as a proof of concept.
Enqlo LLC.
This is the demo of a part of an application for training perfect pitch. I am creating this in a cooperation with Micrologus.
The development is in progress… Stay tuned…
Swiftty LLC.
This APP is used to ACCESS special part of wordpress site, available only through this APP.
Custom User agent is used for this operation.
Project run through few hiccups, and it’s left as it is…
This APP is published through Google PlayStore.
Various tools for data collection and outcome prediction of the game.
Follow statistics of a league or certain club and make a best bet prediction!
This project took a lot of RegEx effort!!!
USER: demo
PASS: demo
Designed and developed crypto-currency-app-like page with integrated Cryptocurrency API exchange rate and DEMO amount.
Swiftty LLC.
My biggest project so far… Enqlo collaboration tool.
I’ve spent 3 years on this project with small team of people and strict budget.
This tool consists of:
Please, check it out below…
Enqlo LLC.